1. How to unzip the downloaded files ?
- The files submitted on PC Savegames are zipped under the .zip format. In order to use them, you just have to download and install softwares like 7-Zip, WinZIP or WinRAR.
2. How do I use the savegames files ?
- The savegames files are zipped in the archive with the original folder tree. When you will unzip them, you will then obtain the correct folder tree and you will also know where to copy the savegames files if needed.To allow a more visual comprehension, the savegames download page includes two screenshots detailing the files concerned by the savegames and shows also the default folder where the saved games are usually recorded.Don't forget that more and more recent games use the My documents folder to record your savegames.As it is, these elements should suffice for you to use correctly the files provided on PC Savegames.
3. The savegames don't work. What can I do ?
- At first, be sure that the savegames seem to be accessible from the game interface, i.e. you effectively unzipped them in the correct folder. They should appear in the list of the saved games.In a second time, be sure that your game is updated at the recommended version in the savegames download page on PC Savegames. Don't forget to download and install the patch if not.Finally, be sure if needed that you used a correct login in the player profile in the game interface. Some games use that profiles system to allow multiple players to play on the same machine and to record their progress in their own files. If it's one of those games, you will have to copy the savegames files in the folder of your profile or enter the name of the profile given in the savegames files downloaded on PC Savegames (most of the time, this name will be Nicouse).
4. I can't find back my own savegames files. How can I do to get them back ?
- Unfortunately, we can't do much for you in this case. As always on a PC, you should have taken your precautions before changing anything.
In order to prevent futures savegames loss, I recommend that you always take your files aside before you install those provided on PC Savegames. That simple precaution should avoid you unexpected issues.If you want to know which files you have to put aside, the easiest way is to unzip the savegames files provided on PC Savegames in a temporary folder and to compare what you obtain with what you already havein your game folder. Copy your files in a different folder and you will be able to replace them in the original folder later if needed.
5. What is the security threat for my computer when I download files from PC Savegames ?
- Every single zip file brought to you on PC Savegames is scanned through Microsoft Security Essentials antivirus with the last version available when the file is put online. I think it's quite sufficient to ensure a good security level for every potential user.
6. What are the terms of use for PC Savegames ?
- The Terms of Use for PC Savegames can be found at the following link. You should read them carefully in order to browse PC Savegames with those terms in mind.