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TRON 2.0
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 02/02/2014   Year : 2003  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : - 


1: Program Integration
164 kb
2: Light Cycle Arena and Staging Pit
87.6 kb
3: Prisoner Bin
215 kb
4: Transport Station
133 kb
5: Primary Digitizing
202 kb
6: Alan's Desktop PC
104 kb
7: Packet Transport
131 kb
8: Power Regulator
165 kb
9: Power Oculus
152 kb
10: Abandoned Test Grid
42.2 kb
11: Main Processing Core
127 kb
12: Main Power Pipeline
128 kb
13: City Hub
144 kb
14: Progress Bar
128 kb
15: Remote Access Node
128 kb
16: Thorne's Perimeter Partition
238 kb
17: Thorne's Internal Partition
122 kb
18: Thorne's Chamber Core
56.6 kb
19: Function Control Deck
36.0 kb
20: Firewall
89.8 kb
21: Primary Docking Port
140 kb
22: Cargo Bay Sector
35.2 kb
23: Assembly Level
141 kb
24: Command Module
159 kb
25: Digitizing Stream
70.8 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 3.77 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : TRON 2.0\Save\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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