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Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood
Cette page en Français   Genre : Tactical  
Last update: 09/14/2008   Year : 2003  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : - 


Tutorial: Castle Lincoln
49.3 kb
Mission 1: Saving Stutely
73.3 kb
Intermission 1: Sherwood Forest
35.9 kb
Ambush Mission 1: The scouts report a convoy
43.8 kb
Intermission 2: Sherwood Forest
36.9 kb
Ambush Mission 2: A poorly escorted carriage
54.4 kb
Intermission 3: Sherwood Forest
37.4 kb
Ambush Mission 3: A wealthy tradesman
50.9 kb
Intermission 4: Sherwood Forest
37.2 kb
Ambush Mission 4: The apprentice
40.7 kb
Intermission 5: Sherwood Forest
37.0 kb
Mission 2: A Scarlet Night
52.4 kb
Intermission 6: Sherwood Forest
39.1 kb
Ambush Mission 5: Rookies
48.5 kb
Intermission 7: Sherwood Forest
37.8 kb
Mission 3: Confessions of an Outlaw
65.4 kb
Intermission 8: Sherwood Forest
38.8 kb
Ambush Mission 6: A convoy
48.1 kb
Intermission 9: Sherwood Forest
39.4 kb
Mission 4: The Prince and the Outlaw
63.9 kb
Intermission 10: Sherwood Forest
37.4 kb
Mission 5: Pillaging
41.2 kb
Intermission 11: Sherwood Forest
63.3 kb
Mission 6: The Evening Visitor
64.6 kb
Intermission 12: Sherwood Forest
40.1 kb
Mission 7: A Godfather in Prison
52.9 kb
Intermission 13: Sherwood Forest
40.9 kb
Mission 8: The Lock-up and the Friar
58.5 kb
Intermission 14: Sherwood Forest
43.1 kb
Ambush Mission 7: The Tax Collector
49.6 kb
Intermission 15: Sherwood Forest
41.6 kb
Mission 9: The Black Castle
93.5 kb
Intermission 16: Sherwood Forest
44.0 kb
Ambush Mission 8: A Convoy!
59.0 kb
Intermission 17: Sherwood Forest
43.1 kb
Ambush Mission 9: The apprentice
46.4 kb
Intermission 18: Sherwood Forest
43.1 kb
Ambush Mission 10: Rookies
53.5 kb
Intermission 19: Sherwood Forest
42.9 kb
Ambush Mission 11: The Tax Collector
44.1 kb
Intermission 20: Sherwood Forest
42.3 kb
Ambush Mission 12: A Convoy!
59.3 kb
Intermission 21: Sherwood Forest
43.2 kb
Ambush Mission 13: A wealthy tradesman
51.6 kb
Intermission 22: Sherwood Forest
42.9 kb
Ambush Mission 14: A Convoy!
51.1 kb
Intermission 23: Sherwood Forest
43.8 kb
Ambush Mission 15: The Tax Collector
49.4 kb
Intermission 24: Sherwood Forest
43.8 kb
Ambush Mission 16: A wealthy tradesman
51.6 kb
Intermission 25: Sherwood Forest
44.0 kb
Ambush Mission 17: A Convoy!
44.8 kb
Intermission 26: Sherwood Forest
42.8 kb
Mission 10: The Silver Arrow
90.3 kb
Intermission 27: Sherwood Forest
47.0 kb
Ambush Mission 18: A poorly escorted carriage
85.7 kb
Intermission 28: Sherwood Forest
48.2 kb
Ambush Mission 19: The Treasure
53.9 kb
Intermission 29: Sherwood Forest
48.3 kb
Mission 11: A Wedding and a Funeral
59.0 kb
Intermission 30: Sherwood Forest
48.1 kb
Mission 12: The Escape
76.9 kb
Intermission 31: Sherwood Forest
49.8 kb
Mission 13: The Letter
68.5 kb
Intermission 32: Sherwood Forest
49.8 kb
Mission 14: The March on York
94.4 kb
Intermission 33: Sherwood Forest
48.7 kb
Mission 15: Last Challenge
93.9 kb
The End
183 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 3.58 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Robin Hood\DATA\Savegame\Profile_001\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Medium
Version of the game : 1.1
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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