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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time [Set #2]
Cette page en Français   Genre : Action  
Last update: 11/15/2012   Year : 2003  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Prince of Persia  


1: The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults - 2%
1.65 kb
2: You have unleashed the sands of time - 5%
1.93 kb
3: Had I really seen her ? - 7%
1.96 kb
4: A secret passage - 10%
2.07 kb
5: The Palace's defense system - 12%
2.13 kb
6: A Booby-trapped courtyard - 14%
2.46 kb
7: Death of a Sand King - 17%
2.62 kb
8: I'll try to find a way in - 19%
2.62 kb
9: Climbing the tower - 21%
2.62 kb
10: The warehouse - 24%
2.61 kb
11: The Sultan's zoo - 28%
2.68 kb
12: Atop a bird cage - 28%
2.69 kb
13: Cliffs and waterfall - 33%
2.69 kb
14: The Baths - 33%
2.91 kb
15: There's something glowing up there - 33%
3.20 kb
16: Above the baths - 33%
3.23 kb
17: Daybreak - 43%
3.65 kb
18: A Soldiers' Mess Hall - 46%
3.94 kb
19: The Drawbrige - 46%
4.41 kb
20: A Broken Bridge - 50%
4.49 kb
21: I'll meet you at the baths - 52%
4.53 kb
22: Waterfall - 55%
4.50 kb
23: A Cavern of Ladders - 57%
4.42 kb
24: An Underground Reservoir - 60%
4.36 kb
25: Out of the Well - 62%
4.37 kb
26: The Sultan's Harem - 65%
4.38 kb
27: What did you call me ? - 65%
4.53 kb
28: The Hall of Learning - 67%
4.57 kb
29: Observatory - 71%
4.59 kb
30: Hall of Learning Courtyards - 75%
4.58 kb
31: On the Ramparts - 75%
4.55 kb
32: A Prisoner Seeking an Escape - 79%
4.51 kb
33: At last we're here ! - 81%
4.58 kb
34: The Hourglass - 83%
4.63 kb
35: The Tomb - 90%
4.69 kb
36: Farah, come back ! - 90%
4.70 kb
37: Climbing the Tower of Dawn - 93%
4.65 kb
38: The Setting Sun - 95%
4.64 kb
39: Honor and Glory - 98%
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File size : 118 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Prince of Persia The Sands of Time\Profiles\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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