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Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 03/29/2014   Year : 2003  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Neverwinter Nights  


1: Start with Paladin+CoT
1.44 Mb
2: Just entered Waterdeep
1.52 Mb
3: Undermountain level 1
1.46 Mb
4: Pillars
1.46 Mb
5: Undermountain level 2
1.36 Mb
6: Undermountain level 3
1.53 Mb
7: Nathyrra joined
1.37 Mb
8: Chapter 2
3.71 Mb
9: Strange town island
3.89 Mb
10: Isle of the Maker
3.70 Mb
11: Lower Ruins
3.80 Mb
12: The Maker
3.73 Mb
13: Area of Mind Flayers
3.65 Mb
14: Drearings Deep
3.50 Mb
15: Sodalis
3.51 Mb
16: Vixthra
3.61 Mb
17: Area of Beholders
3.40 Mb
18: Bebilith
3.40 Mb
19: The Battle
3.47 Mb
20: Valsharess
3.32 Mb
21: Chapter 3
2.61 Mb
22: Saved Aribeth
2.65 Mb
23: Mimic
2.75 Mb
24: Grimgnaw and gang
3.03 Mb
25: Knower of Places
2.78 Mb
26: Learned three names
2.88 Mb
27: Fighting Big M
2.50 Mb
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File size : 84.3 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : -
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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