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Nancy Drew: The Haunted Carousel
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 06/29/2008   Year : 2003  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Nancy Drew  


1: My room at the Captain's Quarters Hotel
1.79 kb
2: Meeting with Harlan
2.55 kb
3: Meeting with Joy
2.13 kb
4: Meeting with Ingrid
2.82 kb
5: Meeting with Elliott
2.32 kb
6: One token won at Swimmers Itch
2.63 kb
7: One token won at Squid Toss
2.61 kb
8: Leaving a message to Joy
2.66 kb
9: Riding the Carousel
3.20 kb
10: Second time with Elliott
3.02 kb
11: Access card reader repaired
3.12 kb
12: Before getting trapped
2.87 kb
13: Saved just in time
2.81 kb
14: Confronting Joy
3.17 kb
15: Fundae order
3.01 kb
16: Miles' second riddle
2.97 kb
17: Harlan is gone
3.55 kb
18: Stenography practice
3.33 kb
19: Opening Harlan locker
3.15 kb
20: Inside Ingrid workshop
3.32 kb
21: The haunted house
3.38 kb
22: Repairing the video game
3.35 kb
23: Barnacle Tokens won
3.60 kb
24: Inside the carousel
3.37 kb
25: The third roll
3.43 kb
26: Making a dowel
3.61 kb
27: Playing the third roll
3.42 kb
28: Guessing the music sequence
3.86 kb
29: Harlan is mad
3.91 kb
30: The key to the haunted house
3.69 kb
31: The hidden room
3.52 kb
32: Dummy repaired
3.63 kb
33: Spatzi
3.65 kb
34: Secret trap
3.62 kb
35: Facing the fraud
3.71 kb
36: Trapping Elliott
3.69 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 96.3 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Nancy Drew\The Haunted Carousel\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Senior Detective
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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