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Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 02/08/2009   Year : 2002  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Nancy Drew  


1: Mickey Malone's house
4.86 kb
2: The toolshed near the house
4.65 kb
3: The cemetery
4.87 kb
4: The next day
4.89 kb
5: The toolbox
5.11 kb
6: Meeting with Red Knott
5.05 kb
7: The boat is repaired
5.18 kb
8: Em's Emporium
5.06 kb
9: Chasing birds
5.38 kb
10: Ranger Station
5.21 kb
11: Water pumped
5.99 kb
12: Sally's house at night
5.85 kb
13: Secret passageway opened
6.56 kb
14: Filing the envelopes
5.91 kb
15: Envelopes sorted
5.96 kb
16: Giving the critters away
6.30 kb
17: One bird left
6.22 kb
18: Another meeting with Red Knott
6.11 kb
19: Red-tailed hawk shot
6.09 kb
20: Fire in the toolshed
5.85 kb
21: Untied, fire to extinguish
6.09 kb
22: Saved from the fire
5.90 kb
23: The safe opened
6.10 kb
24: Way to the speakeasy
6.06 kb
25: Combo Cola puzzle solved
6.12 kb
26: Back to the tunnels with flashlight working
6.25 kb
27: Speakeasy found
6.21 kb
28: Spigots puzzle solved
6.42 kb
29: Wall map puzzle solved
6.47 kb
30: Ghost dogs are for real
6.40 kb
31: Using Malone's key
6.42 kb
32: Opening the vault
6.48 kb
33: Combination found
6.35 kb
34: Door opened
6.80 kb
35: The culprit
6.81 kb
36: Escaping
6.51 kb
37: Capturing the culprit
6.82 kb
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File size : 203 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Nancy Drew\Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Senior Detective
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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