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Nancy Drew: Danger on Deception Island
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 12/05/2010   Year : 2003  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Nancy Drew  


1: First steps on the whale boat
1.98 kb
2: Katie's books are rearranged
2.15 kb
3: The lighthouse
2.39 kb
4: Gave the male crab to Holt
3.29 kb
5: Got the bottle floating near the lighthouse
3.04 kb
6: Pipes in Katie boat fixed
3.15 kb
7: Visiting Whale World
3.25 kb
8: Holt quiz is done right
3.24 kb
9: Got the GPS
3.22 kb
10: Whale Sounds game won
3.29 kb
11: Feeding Frenzy game won
3.35 kb
12: Never a Dall Moment game won
3.39 kb
13: Swim to Freedom game won
3.38 kb
14: Whale Watching Tour won
3.27 kb
15: Another floating bottle while kayaking
3.39 kb
16: Exploring the sea caves
3.73 kb
17: Found another bottle in the sea caves
3.67 kb
18: Rosebud waypoint on GPS
4.12 kb
19: Newfound beach
3.73 kb
20: Driftwood identified
3.82 kb
21: Coded clam opened
3.86 kb
22: Hilda's story decoded
3.87 kb
23: Caddy's skeleton reassembled
3.86 kb
24: Lock of the lighthouse opened
3.89 kb
25: Holt's chess problem solved
4.06 kb
26: Light repaired in lighthouse
4.08 kb
27: The fifteenth clam
4.24 kb
28: Jenna's niece's toybox opened
4.23 kb
29: Royal Flush puzzle solved
4.43 kb
30: Got a headlamp
4.33 kb
31: Out of the tunnel in the lighthouse
4.47 kb
32: Sending my phone number to Hilda
4.60 kb
33: Mail from Hilda
4.43 kb
34: New waypoint on the GPS
4.90 kb
35: Near the waypoint
4.57 kb
36: Found a new tunnel
4.52 kb
37: Found new coordinates
4.54 kb
38: Another waypoint on the GPS
5.01 kb
39: Found a new buoy
4.89 kb
40: Zooming on the miniature boat model
4.57 kb
41: Mechanism unraveled in sea caves
4.58 kb
42: New passage in the sea caves
4.72 kb
43: Convincing Andy Jason
4.87 kb
44: Kayaking in the mist
4.66 kb
45: Inside the ship
4.67 kb
46: Unravelling the culprit
4.70 kb
47: Escaping from the ship
4.69 kb
48: Needing the orca help
4.79 kb
49: The end
4.67 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 169 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Nancy Drew\Danger on Deception Island\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Senior Detective
Version of the game : Clam Task / Casey Wood patch
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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