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Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Breakthrough
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 01/30/2006   Year : 2003  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Medal of Honor  


1: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass I
379 kb
2: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass I - Battlefield
440 kb
3: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass I - Taking Over the Panzer
592 kb
4: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass I - The Fortified Gate
673 kb
5: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass I - Infiltrate the Bunker
687 kb
6: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass II
410 kb
7: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass II - Destroy the Artillery
577 kb
8: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass II - Minefield
685 kb
9: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass II - Escort on Foot
722 kb
10: Tunisia - Battle of Kasserine Pass II - Flush Out the Bunker
719 kb
11: Tunisia - Bizerte Canal
373 kb
12: Tunisia - Bizerte Canal - Arrival
702 kb
13: Tunisia - Bizerte Canal - Rendezvous with Klaus Knefler
634 kb
14: Tunisia - Bizerte Canal - The Final Escape
633 kb
15: Tunisia - Bizerte Harbor
308 kb
16: Tunisia - Bizerte Harbor - Arrival
367 kb
17: Tunisia - Bizerte Harbor - All Aboard
330 kb
18: Tunisia - Bizerte Harbor - Scuttled
340 kb
19: Tunisia - Bizerte Harbor - The Getaway
454 kb
20: Tunisia - Bizerte Harbor - The Edge of the Town
475 kb
21: Sicily - Glider Landing
273 kb
22: Sicily - Glider Landing - Crash
338 kb
23: Sicily - Glider Landing - Artillery Hunt
518 kb
24: Sicily - Glider Landing - The Railway
525 kb
25: Sicily - Glider Landing - Reunited
486 kb
26: Sicily - The Airfield at Caltagirone
360 kb
27: Sicily - The Airfield at Caltagirone - A Peaceful Beginning
399 kb
28: Sicily - The Airfield at Caltagirone - Stealing the Jeep
532 kb
29: Sicily - The Airfield at Caltagirone - Infiltration
535 kb
30: Sicily - The Airfield at Caltagirone - Sabotage
509 kb
31: Sicily - Gela
314 kb
32: Sicily - Gela - Firefight
361 kb
33: Sicily - Gela - Regroup with the 82nd Airborne
506 kb
34: Sicily - Gela - Tank Assault
588 kb
35: Italy - Monte Cassino I
356 kb
36: Italy - Monte Cassino I - The Approach to the City
384 kb
37: Italy - Monte Cassino I - British Field Headquarters
515 kb
38: Italy - Monte Cassino I - An Unexpected Sidetrack
708 kb
39: Italy - Monte Cassino I - Rescuing a Wounded Soldier
724 kb
40: Italy - Monte Cassino I - Snipers in the Courtyard
809 kb
41: Italy - Monte Cassino I - Tank Surprise Attack
785 kb
42: Italy - Monte Cassino II
355 kb
43: Italy - Monte Cassino II - Stop the Executioner
661 kb
44: Italy - Monte Cassino II - Final Rescue
670 kb
45: Italy - Anzio
287 kb
46: Italy - Anzio - Ambush
554 kb
47: Italy - Anzio - Destroy the Convoy
496 kb
48: Italy - Anzio - Ambush
579 kb
49: Italy - Anzio - Stealing the AB41
382 kb
50: Italy - Monte Battaglia
707 kb
51: Italy - Monte Battaglia - Able Bunker
769 kb
52: Italy - Monte Battaglia - Baker Bunker
753 kb
53: Italy - Monte Battaglia - Charlie Bunker
809 kb
54: Italy - Monte Battaglia - The Mountain Road
913 kb
55: Italy - Monte Battaglia - The Wine Cellar
842 kb
56: Italy - Monte Battaglia - Into the Castle
799 kb
57: Italy - Monte Battaglia - The Radio Tower
884 kb
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File size : 30.8 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : MOHAA\maintt\save\unnamedsoldier\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Medium
Version of the game : 2.40b
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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