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Chaser [Set #2]
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 11/11/2012   Year : 2003  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : - 


1: Tutorial - Training Center
1: Majestic Station - Awakening (cutscene)
2: Majestic Station - Escape
3: Majestic Station - Back to Earth (cutscene)
1: Montack City - Slum
166 kb
2: Montack City - The Family (cutscene)
3: Montack City - Spider (cutscene)
4: Watergate - Conspiracy
63.1 kb
5: Montack City - Memories (cutscene)
6: Montack City - Briefing (cutscene)
7: Waterworks - Infiltration
129 kb
8: Montack City - Decision (cutscene)
1: Little Tokyo - Entrance
61.4 kb
2: Little Tokyo - Underground
40.5 kb
3: Little Tokyo - Shimako (cutscene)
4: Little Tokyo - Run Away
61.2 kb
5: Airport - New Assignement (cutscene)
6: Airport - Counterstrike (cutscene)
7: Nippon Hotel - Penthouse
32.0 kb
8: Nippon Hotel - Dead Man
53.6 kb
9: Nippon Hotel - Ogawa
10: Nippon Hotel - Basement
37.4 kb
1: Portland - Kabir
65.9 kb
2: Lighthouse - Long Way
78.8 kb
3: Lighthouse - Sniper
34.3 kb
4: Underwater - Ship Graveyard
33.0 kb
5: Underwater - Ship Graveyard - Part 2
52.3 kb
1: Harbor - Submarine
79.0 kb
2: Anadyr - The Gate
211 kb
3: Novyy Yeropol - Train Station
123 kb
4: Novyy Yeropol - Yevgeniy's Hut
42.5 kb
5: Gulag - Piotr
109 kb
1: Spaceport - Payback
94.0 kb
2: Mars - Approaching (cutscene)
3: Mars Spaceport - Complication
79.9 kb
4: Mars Spaceport - Maintenance Area
101 kb
1: Jailhouse - Jay
100 kb
2: Jailhouse - Survival
72.5 kb
3: Jailhouse - Survival - Part 2
86.1 kb
4: Syd's Bar - The Plan (cutscene)
1: Military Depot - Assault
201 kb
2: Military Depot - Exoskeleton
30.2 kb
1: Ravi Vallis - Train
142 kb
2: Ravi Vallis - Assassination
37.5 kb
3: Syd's Bar - Victory
1: Lomonosov Crater - Betrayal
88.7 kb
2: Lomonosov Crater - Ruins
31.6 kb
3: Lomonosov Crater - Shafts
16.1 kb
4: Lomonosov Crater - Rebels
94.1 kb
5: Lomonosov Crater - Outro
14.5 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 3.60 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Chaser\Save\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Normal
Version of the game : 1.50
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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