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Blood II: The Chosen [Set #2]
Cette page en Français   Genre : First Person Shooter  
Last update: 11/09/2012   Year : 1998  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Blood  


1: Cabalco Transit System
2: Pickman St. Station
3: Lafayette Museum Of Antiquities
50.8 kb
4: Condemned Tenement
42.4 kb
5: Steam Tunnels
40.6 kb
6: Center For Disease Management
53.7 kb
7: Movin' On Up
8: Cas Revenant
18.9 kb
9: Cas Revenant (Interior)
10: Hard Hat Area
42.0 kb
11: The Cathedral
26.3 kb
1: Cabalco Transit System 2
2: Cabal Safehouse
62.3 kb
3: Sewage Treatment Plant
17.2 kb
4: Cabalco Meat Packing Plant
57.0 kb
5: Horlock's Station
53.5 kb
6: Love Canal
36.5 kb
7: Cabalco Transit System 3
29.9 kb
8: Horlock's Station
37.9 kb
9: The Underground
22.6 kb
1: Franck Cotton Memorial Bridge
39.2 kb
2: Security Check Point
42.1 kb
3: Temple Of Poon
26.2 kb
4: Cabalco Enterprises
46.2 kb
5: Power Station
22.0 kb
6: Cabalco Enterprises
7: Research And Development
39.8 kb
8: Cabalco Enterprises
16.0 kb
9: Cabal Co Office
54.2 kb
10: Cabal Co Rooftops
1: Beyond The Rift
36.1 kb
2: Battle Of The Chosen
19.0 kb
3: The Ancient One
20.2 kb
4: Epilogue
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File size : 983 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Blood II - The Chosen\Save\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Homicide
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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