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Blade Runner
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 02/07/2014   Year : 1997  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : - 


1: Start
24.3 kb
2: Shooting
24.4 kb
3: Got photo of 3C
24.7 kb
4: Apartment
26.4 kb
5: Chef ran
27.5 kb
6: About to scan in data
25.4 kb
7: Factory bombings suspects
25.9 kb
8: Shot a surprising thug
27.8 kb
9: Autosave start of act 2
27.0 kb
10: Slept. Meanwhile, fat guy was shot
27.1 kb
11: Photo of jamaican killer
26.2 kb
12: Before upload
26.1 kb
13: Bracelet for Maggie
29.7 kb
14: Better bullets
27.5 kb
15: Midtown
29.1 kb
16: Camera shock
29.2 kb
17: Shot shopkeeper, two photos
26.7 kb
18: Sewer
28.5 kb
19: DNA row
31.3 kb
20: Cold place indeed
27.8 kb
21: Been upstairs
30.8 kb
22: After explosion
31.1 kb
23: New passage to the back
31.5 kb
24: Autosave start of act 3
26.3 kb
25: Tied up to a chair
28.3 kb
26: Untied myself from the chair
27.4 kb
27: Hotel
29.0 kb
28: Scanned the Moonbus photo
27.9 kb
29: Scanned in data, might be dumb
27.8 kb
30: Hysteria hall
30.8 kb
31: Nightclub
30.8 kb
32: Inside expensive part of nightclub
33.3 kb
33: Red jacket man
33.5 kb
34: Bradbury
30.1 kb
35: Cheese
32.8 kb
36: Lucy is in the arcade
32.8 kb
37: Early
34.0 kb
38: Escaped the chair
32.7 kb
39: Before checking the balcony
34.3 kb
40: Autosave start of act 4
30.2 kb
41: After cutscene with twins
30.2 kb
42: Rat shot
32.2 kb
43: Car dealer
31.4 kb
44: Sewer bridge out
32.5 kb
45: Locked out from apartment
32.7 kb
46: Sleepy sewer man
33.5 kb
47: Gave him a flask
33.8 kb
48: He didn't need another flask
33.7 kb
49: China bar
33.6 kb
50: Animal shop
32.9 kb
51: The rat and the plank
33.7 kb
52: The twins
33.8 kb
53: Tyrell's building
32.8 kb
54: Have the book of evidence
34.0 kb
55: Return of car dealer
32.0 kb
56: Delivered a threat to the fat man
36.4 kb
57: Confrontation
33.5 kb
58: Meet us at the Moonbus
33.9 kb
59: Wise Max Von Sydow words
30.5 kb
60: Back in my apartment
31.6 kb
61: Big fans
28.8 kb
62: Rastafari down
32.6 kb
63: I've been expecting you
32.0 kb
64: Autosave start of act 5
29.9 kb
65: Second run, shot human, dog dead sooner
29.8 kb
66: Second run, found crystal's cigarette
29.9 kb
67: Second run, big fans
28.8 kb
68: Second run, talking to rastafari
32.2 kb
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File size : 2.09 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : -
Language : English
Difficulty level : Normal
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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