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Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Cette page en Français   Genre : Role-Playing Game  
Last update: 04/12/2014   Year : 2001  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Baldur's Gate  


1: Forest of Tethir
873 kb
2: Saradush
900 kb
3: Sewer
914 kb
4: All good level 1-8 spells learned
932 kb
5: North Forest
943 kb
6: Forest of Mir
940 kb
7: Marching Mountains
945 kb
8: Siege Camp
956 kb
9: Chapter 8 (Amkethran)
975 kb
10: Cave of the Dead
989 kb
11: Sendai's Enclave
1000 kb
12: Inside the Enclave
1004 kb
13: Watcher's Keep (Outside)
1.00 Mb
14: Watcher's Keep (Level 1)
1.01 Mb
15: Watcher's Keep (Level 2)
1.03 Mb
16: Watcher's Keep (Level 3)
1.03 Mb
17: Aesgareth (Deck of Many Things)
1.05 Mb
18: Watcher's Keep (Level 4)
1.06 Mb
19: Illithid Encampment
1.06 Mb
20: Githyanki Encampment
1.07 Mb
21: Saladrex (Red Dragon)
1.08 Mb
22: Machine of Lum the Mad
1.08 Mb
23: Watcher's Keep (Level 5)
1.08 Mb
24: The Final Seal
1.09 Mb
25: Demogorgon
1.09 Mb
26: Abazigal's Lair
1.09 Mb
27: Have the Big Metal Unit
1.11 Mb
28: Abazigal (Blue Dragon)
1.11 Mb
29: Back in Amkethran
1.11 Mb
30: Balthazar
1.11 Mb
31: Throne of Bhaal is next
1.11 Mb
32: Final Save
1.12 Mb
Download all the savegames
File size : 34.8 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : BGII\save\
Language : English
Difficulty level : -
Version of the game : v26498
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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