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Age of Mythology
Cette page en Français   Genre : Strategy  
Last update: 07/27/2008   Year : 2002  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Age of Empires  


1: Hunt for a Killer
216 kb
2: Pleasing the Gods
200 kb
3: Uninvited Guests
240 kb
1: Omens
524 kb
2: Consequences
519 kb
3: Scratching the Surface
417 kb
4: A Fine Plan
689 kb
5: Just Enough Rope
608 kb
6: I Hope This Works
800 kb
7: More Bandits
694 kb
8: Bad News
620 kb
9: Revelation
506 kb
10: Strangers
440 kb
11: The Lost Relic
600 kb
12: Light Sleeper
957 kb
13: Tug of War
339 kb
14: Isis, Hear My Plea
686 kb
15: Let's Go
1.24 Mb
16: Good Advice
253 kb
17: Good Advice (2)
389 kb
18: The Jackal's Stronghold
693 kb
19: A Long Way From Home
421 kb
20: Watch That First Step
487 kb
21: Where They Belong
623 kb
22: Old Friends
611 kb
23: North
1.31 Mb
24: The Dwarven Forge
513 kb
25: Not From Around Here
563 kb
26: Welcoming Commitee
865 kb
27: Union
932 kb
28: The Well of Urd
516 kb
29: Beneath the Surface
771 kb
30: Unlikely Heroes
233 kb
31: All is Not Lost
1.11 Mb
32: Welcome Back
658 kb
33: A Place in My Dreams
1.24 Mb
Download all the savegames
File size : 22.1 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Age of Mythology\savegame\
Language : English
Difficulty level : Moderate
Version of the game : 1.10
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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