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Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
Cette page en Français   Genre : Strategy  
Last update: 09/06/2006   Year : 2000  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Age of Empires  


1: Scourge of God
284 kb
2: The Great Ride
315 kb
3: The Walls of Constantinople
193 kb
4: A Barbarian Betrothal
265 kb
5: The Catalaunian Fields
308 kb
6: The Fall of Rome
309 kb
1: Brother Against Brother
258 kb
2: The Enemy of My Enemy
269 kb
3: The Exile of El Cid
194 kb
4: Black Guards
298 kb
5: King of Valencia
196 kb
6: Reconquista
199 kb
1: Reign of Blood
229 kb
2: The Triple Alliance
309 kb
3: Quetzalcoatl
278 kb
4: La Noche Triste
215 kb
5: The Boiling Lake
256 kb
6: Broken Spears
212 kb
1: Hastings (1066 CE)
301 kb
2: Vindlandsaga (1000 CE)
201 kb
3: Tours (732 CE)
185 kb
4: Azincourt (1415 CE)
271 kb
5: Lepanto (1571 CE)
178 kb
6: Noryang Point (1598 CE)
262 kb
7: Manzikert (1071 CE)
283 kb
8: Kyoto (1582 CE)
259 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 6.38 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Age of Empires II\Savegame\
Language : French
Difficulty level : Moderate
Version of the game : 1.0c
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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