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Broken Sword: The Angel of Death [Set #2]
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 10/22/2012   Year : 2006  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Broken Sword  


1: New York Bail Bonds Escaping the goons, 00-06-45
202 kb
2: New York Bail Bonds Escaping the goons, 00-16-08
195 kb
3: New York Bail Bonds Escaping the goons, 00-31-50
210 kb
4: New York Bail Bonds Escaping the goons, 00-33-51
222 kb
5: New York Bail Bonds Finding way to street level, 00-35-43
359 kb
6: New York Bail Bonds Finding way to street level, 01-11-22
344 kb
7: New York Bail Bonds Finding way to street level, 01-13-29
354 kb
8: New York Hotel Trying to get upstairs, 01-15-54
218 kb
9: New York Hotel Getting into Anna Maria's Room, 01-32-59
186 kb
10: New York Hotel Getting into Anna Maria's Room, 01-58-14
203 kb
11: New York Hotel Getting Anna Maria into room, 02-03-17
223 kb
12: New York Hotel Getting Anna Maria into room, 02-04-31
243 kb
13: New York Hotel Searching for clues, 02-11-01
234 kb
14: New York Bail Bonds Back at Big Bros, 02-34-27
208 kb
15: New York Bail Bonds Back at Big Bros, 02-38-57
209 kb
16: New York Meat Packing Gain entry to factory, 02-49-40
227 kb
17: New York Meat Packing Gain entry to factory, 03-06-25
252 kb
18: New York Meat Packing Searching factory for clues , 03-07-53
269 kb
19: New York Meat Packing Searching factory for clues , 03-19-02
242 kb
20: New York Meat Packing Getting to secret office, 03-37-00
219 kb
21: New York Meat Packing Getting manuscript from cabinet, 03-52-20
202 kb
22: New York Meat Packing Getting manuscript from cabinet, 03-57-41
244 kb
23: New York Bail Bonds Research manuscript, 04-11-38
205 kb
24: New York Bail Bonds Research manuscript, 04-14-19
208 kb
25: Pasha Palace Hotel Locating citadel, 04-45-25
199 kb
26: Topkapi Palace Gaining entry, 04-53-36
275 kb
27: Pasha Palace Hotel Locating citadel, 04-58-52
202 kb
28: Topkapi Palace Gaining entry, 05-17-30
376 kb
29: Topkapi Palace Gaining entry, 05-22-02
254 kb
30: Topkapi Palace Gaining entry, 05-27-02
264 kb
31: Topkapi Palace Gaining entry, 05-28-02
223 kb
32: Topkapi Palace Sneaking through palace, 05-29-02
188 kb
33: Topkapi Palace Sneaking through palace, 05-30-26
296 kb
34: Topkapi Palace Getting through museum, 05-33-23
243 kb
35: Topkapi Palace Getting through museum, 05-46-01
237 kb
36: Topkapi Palace Getting through museum, 05-49-51
217 kb
37: Topkapi Palace Getting through museum, 05-52-39
229 kb
38: Topkapi Palace Courtyard fountain, 05-57-05
318 kb
39: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-02-55
177 kb
40: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-09-39
113 kb
41: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-11-31
175 kb
42: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-13-56
180 kb
43: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-41-14
165 kb
44: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-43-28
163 kb
45: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-44-34
157 kb
46: Topkapi Palace Searching catacombs , 06-50-31
174 kb
47: Topkapi Palace Jailbird George, 06-55-01
192 kb
48: Topkapi Palace Escaping cell, 07-06-39
155 kb
49: Topkapi Palace Escaping cell, 07-08-09
172 kb
50: Topkapi Palace Crossing roofs, 07-12-01
299 kb
51: Pasha Palace Hotel Gaining entry , 07-15-17
202 kb
52: Pasha Palace Hotel Looking for clues, 07-18-26
221 kb
53: Pasha Palace Hotel Looking for clues, 07-22-06
216 kb
54: Pasha Palace Hotel Looking for clues, 07-25-00
201 kb
55: Rome Apartment Trying to enter building, 07-35-40
288 kb
56: Rome Apartment Gaining entry to room, 08-00-19
263 kb
57: Rome Apartment Gaining entry to room, 08-04-05
280 kb
58: Rome Apartment Searching apartment, 08-06-15
305 kb
59: Rome Monastery Finding a way through wall, 08-19-35
242 kb
60: Rome Monastery Finding a way through wall, 08-28-52
257 kb
61: Rome Monastery Getting through Wafer Factory, 08-46-40
232 kb
62: Rome Monastery Getting through Wafer Factory, 09-03-02
243 kb
63: Rome Monastery Information on Anna Maria, 09-09-45
359 kb
64: Rome Monastery Information on Anna Maria, 09-11-16
357 kb
65: Rome Monastery Information on Anna Maria, 09-15-49
347 kb
66: Rome Monastery Information on Anna Maria, 09-16-10
303 kb
67: Rome Monastery Information on Anna Maria, 09-22-57
336 kb
68: Rome Apartment Finding clues about Anna Maria, 09-25-48
288 kb
69: Rome Apartment Finding clues about Anna Maria, 09-35-32
275 kb
70: Rome Black Cat Club Entering club, 09-44-08
216 kb
71: Rome Black Cat Club Entering club, 09-50-34
197 kb
72: Rome Black Cat Club Searching club, 10-01-04
207 kb
73: Rome Black Cat Club Escape, 10-07-22
177 kb
74: Rome Black Cat Club Escaping club, 10-18-37
184 kb
75: Rome Apartment Defuse Bomb, 10-21-40
373 kb
76: Rome Apartment Defuse Bomb, 10-28-41
373 kb
77: Phoenix Getting into compound, 10-31-30
183 kb
78: Phoenix Getting into compound, 10-32-55
196 kb
79: Phoenix Getting into compound, 10-36-08
161 kb
80: Phoenix Getting into compound, 10-38-58
184 kb
81: Phoenix Searching loading bay, 10-41-22
204 kb
82: Phoenix Searching loading bay, 10-48-12
163 kb
83: Phoenix Investigating facility, 10-51-07
204 kb
84: Phoenix Investigating facility, 10-55-00
206 kb
85: Phoenix Investigating facility, 10-56-44
210 kb
86: Phoenix Trying to open safe, 11-01-52
240 kb
87: Phoenix Trying to open safe, 11-16-05
231 kb
88: Phoenix Trying to open safe, 11-17-37
240 kb
89: Phoenix Escaping the Goons, 11-21-14
302 kb
90: Phoenix Escaping the Goons, 11-24-09
283 kb
91: Phoenix Escaping the Goons, 11-24-50
288 kb
92: Phoenix Escaping loading bay, 11-25-34
141 kb
93: Rome Monastery Breaking back in, 11-27-33
220 kb
94: Rome Monastery Breaking back in, 11-37-27
225 kb
95: Rome Monastery Searching for Clues, 11-42-08
202 kb
96: Rome Monastery Searching for Clues, 11-43-29
202 kb
97: Rome Monastery Following Cardinal Gianelli, 11-47-47
253 kb
98: Rome Monastery Following Cardinal Gianelli, 11-48-31
231 kb
99: Rome Monastery Finding Nico, 11-54-29
196 kb
100: Rome Monastery Finding Nico, 11-59-10
216 kb
101: The Vatican Gaining entry, 12-09-38
248 kb
102: The Vatican Pushing on, 12-14-58
219 kb
103: The Vatican Searching for the Ark, 12-22-16
209 kb
104: The Vatican Searching for the Ark, 12-24-04
231 kb
105: The Vatican Searching for the Ark, 12-26-08
188 kb
106: The Vatican Searching for the Ark, 12-27-27
197 kb
107: The Vatican Searching for the Ark, 12-30-28
220 kb
108: The Vatican The rescue, 12-31-48
395 kb
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File size : 24.7 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : My documents\Broken Sword - The Angel of Death\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : 1.1
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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