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Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings
Cette page en Français   Genre : Strategy  
Last update: 01/18/2006   Year : 1999  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Age of Empires  


1: Walking and fighting
87.1 kb
2: Feeding the armies
43.5 kb
3: Training the troops
42.0 kb
4: Development and technology
66.0 kb
5: The battle of Stirling
87.9 kb
6: Building an alliance
127 kb
7: The battle of Falkirk
110 kb
1: An Unlikely Messiah
249 kb
2: The Maid of Orleans
298 kb
3: The Cleansing of the Loire
239 kb
4: The Rising
200 kb
5: The Siege of Paris
284 kb
6: A Perfect Martyr
221 kb
1: An Arabian Knight
168 kb
2: Lord of Arabia
242 kb
3: Horns of Hattin
184 kb
4: The Siege of Jerusalem
192 kb
5: Jihad !
259 kb
6: The Lion and the Demon
249 kb
1: Creuset
231 kb
2: Vengeance of a lifetime
170 kb
3: In China
316 kb
4: The horde to the West
244 kb
5: The bride
176 kb
6: Mongolian Peace
144 kb
1: Sacred roman emperor
327 kb
2: Henry the Lion
223 kb
3: Pope and anti-pope
253 kb
4: The Lombard League
235 kb
5: The walk of Bluebeard
293 kb
6: The sleeping emperor
245 kb
Download all the savegames
File size : 6.06 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : Age of Empires II\Savegame\
Language : French
Difficulty level : Moderate
Version of the game : 2.0a
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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