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Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 05/04/2017   Year : 2008  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Chronicles of Mystery  


1: Paris, November 3, 2008
137 kb
2: La Valletta, November 4, 2008
160 kb
3: The hiding panel is open
138 kb
4: My scooter key is repaired
195 kb
5: Apartment 5-R
168 kb
6: The island of Gozo, November 4, 2008
159 kb
7: The site
165 kb
8: Simon's trailer
137 kb
9: Permission granted by the police officer
171 kb
10: La Valletta, November 5, 2008
175 kb
11: The island of Gozo, November 5, 2008
203 kb
12: Istanbul, November 6, 2008
191 kb
13: Building steps to climb to the half-opened window
187 kb
14: Inside the warehouse
157 kb
15: The four stones
173 kb
16: La Valletta, November 7, 2008
177 kb
17: The island of Gozo, November 7, 2008
178 kb
18: November 8, 2008
182 kb
19: The gate is open
193 kb
20: The secret passage
184 kb
21: Platforms blocked
185 kb
22: The key of the cardinal
184 kb
23: Safe opened
186 kb
24: Escaping from the Vatican
215 kb
25: La Valletta, November 9, 2008
201 kb
26: The island of Gozo, November 9, 2008
228 kb
27: Adjusting the last section of the pillar
182 kb
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File size : 4.76 Mb

About the savegames

Default folder : My documents\CoM\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : 1.07
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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