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Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror [Set #2]
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 10/20/2012   Year : 1997  
Source: Chordian  Franchise : Broken Sword  


1: Burning stopped
1018 bytes
2: Cafe after Lobineau
1.04 kb
3: Man trashed the display
1.08 kb
4: Marseille
1.11 kb
5: Pont du Nord
1.16 kb
6: Upstairs
1.18 kb
7: Quaramonte
1.26 kb
8: Police station in Quaramonte
1.29 kb
9: More fun in Quaramonte
1.30 kb
10: Prison in Quaramonte
1.31 kb
11: Now playing as Nicole
1.33 kb
12: Back to George
1.33 kb
13: Treehouse
1.35 kb
14: Village
1.37 kb
15: Treehouse again
1.37 kb
16: Ketch's landing
1.40 kb
17: Nicole in the British Museum
1.44 kb
18: George in the Ketch Museum
1.43 kb
19: Zombie Island
1.44 kb
20: London Underground
1.44 kb
21: George on top of cliff
1.45 kb
22: Branch in maze
1.45 kb
23: Top of Zombie Island
1.45 kb
24: Found the correct peak
1.46 kb
25: Branch in maze again
1.46 kb
26: Nicole by ship
1.46 kb
27: Film director and pirates
1.47 kb
28: On the beach
1.47 kb
29: Nico in burnt out village
1.49 kb
30: Mayan pyramid by foot
1.48 kb
31: George about to be sacrificed
1.49 kb
32: Inside the pyramid
1.49 kb
33: Nico in room with dials
1.48 kb
34: George and Titipoco
1.51 kb
35: Torch
1.51 kb
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File size : 29.8 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : Broken Sword - The Smoking Mirror\Saves\
Language : English
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : -
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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