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Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut
Cette page en Français   Genre : Adventure  
Last update: 10/17/2012   Year : 2010  
Source: PC Savegames  Franchise : Broken Sword  


1: Carchon murdered
1.83 kb
2: Carchon's bedroom
2.42 kb
3: Île de la Cité
1.89 kb
4: Locks unlocked
1.92 kb
5: Door unlocked
2.12 kb
6: Another secret room
2.21 kb
7: After the bombing
2.05 kb
8: The sewers
2.54 kb
9: The police station
1.91 kb
10: Nicole's flat
1.95 kb
11: In the café
2.28 kb
12: Back to la Cité
2.03 kb
13: Safe opened
2.30 kb
14: George at Nico's
1.93 kb
15: La Risée du Monde
1.96 kb
16: Ubu hotel
2.04 kb
17: Room 21
2.32 kb
18: The manuscript
2.65 kb
19: Crune Museum
1.99 kb
20: Lochmarne
2.12 kb
21: Fitzgerald accident
2.49 kb
22: Basement
2.56 kb
23: The haystack
2.68 kb
24: Secret passage
2.91 kb
25: Saving Imelda
2.10 kb
26: Opening Nicole's father box
2.22 kb
27: Hagenmeyer Hospital
2.08 kb
28: Marquet's bedroom
2.45 kb
29: Meeting Lobineau
2.21 kb
30: Visiting Montfaucon
2.19 kb
31: In Spain
2.18 kb
32: The Templars' vault
2.54 kb
33: Theft at Crune Museum
2.21 kb
34: Below Montfaucon in the sewers
2.39 kb
35: Deeper underground
2.56 kb
36: Marib, Syria
2.29 kb
37: Club Alamut
2.51 kb
38: Arto's tool
2.53 kb
39: Toilets
2.62 kb
40: Ultar's taxi
2.62 kb
41: Bull's Head
2.06 kb
42: The cave
2.20 kb
43: Khan
2.28 kb
44: Back to Montfaucon
2.36 kb
45: Baphomet worksite
2.15 kb
46: Toilet room
2.41 kb
47: Key exchange
2.49 kb
48: The worksite
2.54 kb
49: Back to Spain
2.19 kb
50: Candle lit
2.56 kb
51: The well
2.60 kb
52: Door opened
2.70 kb
53: The train
2.20 kb
54: Crisis
2.57 kb
55: Bannockburn
2.05 kb
56: Door opened
2.34 kb
57: Duel with Guido
2.52 kb
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File size : 109 kb

About the savegames

Default folder : My documents\Broken Sword - Director's Cut\
Language : French
Difficulty level : By default
Version of the game : Retail
Third party software : GOG
Partners: Abandonware France - Chordian -

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